Fat & Skinny lyin' in a bed, Fat rolled over and Skinny was dead.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

11 Days and Counting...

So, I'm 11 days into my 21 Day Sugar Detox and although I've lost about 5 pds (yay!), I don't know that I feel all that much different.  

I have to say that I don't have any real CRAVINGS for the missed sugar or the carbs, but boy it takes a lot of work and planning to do this.  I've tried new vegetables and either I don't like them or I need someone else with more skill to prepare them for me.  I did like the zucchini 'fries' (a lot like eggplant) and the summer squash fritata was good too, but putzy to make.  I also made shrimp scampi for the first time and it turned out terrific.  Hated the parsnip stew, and the spaghetti squash was only so-so.  

Baking with almond or coconut flour is a pain and not appealing without the sugar. 

I'm surprised at how easy it was to stop munching on chips or whatever has been brought into the office.  Carrot sticks and string cheese are my new best friends.  I do miss my morning yogurt.  Plain yogurt with walnuts, cinnamon and vanilla is still plain yogurt - blech.

I caught a cold yesterday so eating has been an issue for these past two days and with Don's surgery tomorrow I'll be too busy to worry about eating much.

Think I'll be glad when this is over and it has definitely made me aware of what's good and what's bad out there so although I won't have to be as strict (yay - fruit!!), I will try to continue modifying my eating habits.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Weight: 147 (thank you Fitbit)
Hair: Too blond for mid-September, hmmm
Okay, I've been doing a lot of reading lately about Gluten-Free diets, and that's lead me to some interesting blogs, that then got me into the Paleo Diet scene and have now just committed myself to a 21-day Sugar/Carb Detox plan (21 DSD).  This should help put me on pace or be even more strigent than Don's no-carb, Gluten-Free approach.

I think it'll be good that we're both 'in the same place' when it comes to food and hopefully there'll be more around for him to eat if I can't rely on processed food.

Don's heading up to Trees For Tomorrow with Alex on Sunday and won't be back until Weds night, so that will give me a good chance to do some shopping, figure some things out and try a few new recipes that, hopefully, we both will enjoy.

With Don's surgery less than 2 weeks away, I'd like to be over any 'craving hump' and be comfortable with what I/he can/can't eat before he's back home recuperating.

I'm okay with the 'no-caffeine' and have already transitioned myself to tea from coffee (Don doesn't care for the smell or taste so that was easy to wave 'good-bye', plus I usually only drank 1 cup a day, if that).  I'm also okay with no alcohol for 21 days - we're not big drinkers and who really needs all those empty calories!

Chips, though, be they potato, tortilla, popped or baked, those will be hard.  I've all but done away with bread, don't eat it at home and I usually don't order sandwiches when I'm out, but of course now that I've decided to REALLY try this, I bet I'll find myself looking at hamburgers, wraps and subs a little more than longingly - plus no PIZZA, not only is the crust a big no, no, but the cheese used is usually to inferior that it would be loaded with other additives that I'm trying to avoid...rats.

I've got lots of good recipes to try and am anxious to try some new vegetables, just hope that I can get into the rhythm of this.  Don is so good at making new habits part of his daily routine, the best I've ever seen actually, that I'm hoping it has worn off on me at least a little by now.

I really plan to stick to this at least for the 3 weeks; we'll see after that.  I've found a great blog, Nom Nom Paleo, that uses Paleo as a guide post, but isn't too fanatical, that sounds more like what I'd like to be.  No one's perfect and if I want to splurge, I don't want to feel bad about it.

Wish me luck...