Fat & Skinny lyin' in a bed, Fat rolled over and Skinny was dead.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 30

Weight:  153.6 (WTF)
Hair:      Straight
Mood:    Surly

Come on, I went to Pilates and Water Zumba, and I'm up 0.6 pds from yesterday.  Bill seems to blow with the wind.  Well he sure blows.  Legs and ab sore from two days of workouts.  Water Zumba was better this week, the instructor got in the water this time and it was much easier to follow, definitely a better workout.

Little worried about Petey and Oscar yesterday.  They didn't bounce back from their visit to the Vet like Ditto did.  Their legs were sore where they had gotten their shots and they were lethargic.  Both of them had to be carried up and down the stairs, and in and out of the house.  A call to the Vet told us this was a normal reaction to a lot of vaccine for little dogs and they should be better by today.  They did seem perkier this morning.

Managed to make a dent in my new knitting project last night too.  I'm working on a felted basket and I'm so happy that it looks like the picture so far!  Hope to finish by this weekend so I can start another one!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 29

Weight:  153.0
Hair:   Straight
Mood:  Little stressed

Yay, I like Bill again, weight is back to heading in the right direction...down!

Out to breakfast with Don yesterday for another Western Skillet (no green pepper), toast and OJ (bonus!), yogurt and a granola bar for lunch and fried potatoes and breaded flank steak for dinner.  Then off to Pilates with Kathy.  Really have the Jackknife down good now and can almost reach my pinkie finger to my opposite little toe - yippee!

Megan, the new cat (since Saturday) has been good so far, need to get a squirt bottle for her to keep her off tables/counters until she learns.  Petey, Ditto and Oscar went off to the Vet yesterday to keep up on their shots since there's a new critter in the house.  Ditto bounced back, but Petey and Oscar are still pretty sore this morning, which required a lot of carrying up and down the stairs and in and out of the house.  Will check on them this afternoon to make sure they're doing okay.

Water Zumba tonight for the 2nd time.  Don and Nick have to run up to church to help the Ladies Guild get ready for the rummage sale and then they are on their own for dinner.

Megan, gets her first visit to the Vet on Thursday morning, but she'll be staying overnight for a bit of surgery.

The unseasonable weather doesn't seem to have damaged my tulips, but might delay them a bit, worried about the bulbs planted in the front yard since I don't see too much green peeking out yet.  Hopefully we've seen the last of cold and snow for winter 2011!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 22

Weight:  154.0
Hair:      Blond!
Mood:     Sunny

Well, I am happy to report that 5 days in Arizona didn't affect me weight negatively, but I evidently didn't do as much walking as I thought, because I certainly didn't lose any weight either!

Don and I had a great time w/ friends Jake and Julie.  We went to two Brewers games (one on St Pats - drank green beer on their lovely green lawn seats), took a tour of Taliesin West, strolled around Old Scottsdale, walked the golf course at night (learned to beware of sprinklers!), got lost lots but found some great restaurants because of it.  

Have to give a shout out to Discount Tire and about a million mattress stores (there's a lot of both of them in Scottsdale!).  No desserts, not too many drinks and light breakfasts did the trick.

We came home Sunday night after delays in Denver due to big storms here in Milwaukee.  I was afraid of what I'd find at home.  Petey is so scared of thunderstorms I could only imagine what he was going through.  It was good to read the note from Paula (her family watched the dogs) saying she'd been over at 9:15p to check on them because she knew Petey would be scared - love her!

Monday morning, walking the dogs around our non-snow covered yard, I noticed spring flower shoots working their way out through the wood chips and counted 11 tulips along the side of the house - yay! Took the dogs for their first Spring walk after work. 

Nick brought Morgan home for dinner, we had tacos and I made guacamole for the first time.  Morgan and I talked about prom, what she's wearing, what Nick should wear, etc.  Don spent most of Monday night out with Jack.  He got some good pointers from other owners and is working hard at being a great owner.

A little laundry and a little DVR TV and off to bed.  Not a bad start to the week.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 8

Weight:  154.4 (rats)
Hair: Out of the way
Mood: Rushed

Had yogurt for breakfast, turkey sandwich & carrots for lunch, almonds for a snack and then 2 pieces of cheese pizza and 2 marshmallow treats for dinner.

Monday was the parents vs kids basketball game for our end of the season celebration.  The Divine Mercy 5th grade boys won first place in the division!  Game was fun to watch.  The parents all had a great time playing and the boys were thrilled to win 48-46.  

Raced home after game/dinner to finish folding laundry and make it to Pilates on time.  Tough night; I usually don't break a sweat but I did last night!

Bowl of Kashi this morning, with yogurt, carrots and almonds on tap for this afternoon.  At Dynamics of Function early today, so I can cover at Savaglia Investments & Planning later.  Tough slog at work this week researching missing claim payments.  Everything I find seems to lead to more problems - yuck.


Day 7 - Part I

Weight:  153 lbs!
Hair:      Manageable
Mood:    Sunny

I was totally excited when Bill told me I'd lost 1.4 lbs since meeting him!  Not sure how I managed to do it over this past weekend tho'.  

Missed breakfast on Saturday because Don and I had to race out to Wind Dancer for Herd Health Day.  Jack was getting the works done, but we didn't think we'd be there too long.  Unfortunately, the sedative they gave Jack REALLY knocked him out. Don had to leave for a 9a.m. client mtg, so I stood in the cold barn with a glassy-eyed horse for two hours!  Although donuts and coffee were provided I passed.

When I finally got the okay to put Jack back in his pasture, I only had 1/2 hr left of the Dynamics of Function Open House that I was suppose to attend.  Ran to the office and changed out of muddy jeans and boots.  Had three delicious yogurt parfaits, a cup of coffee (after the first one dripped all down the front of my shirt!) and a Mimosa after all the guests had left.

Went home a dozed/watched TV until we had to leave for dinner w/ clients/friends.  I had salad and chicken breast w/ prosciutto and goat cheese and risotto - wonderful!  Also had one glass of wine.  Only had one drink after that at Club Durham when we went to see Jake's band 'Southern Tradition'.

Sunday, we went had a late breakfast after church at the Sunrise (another Western skillet w/out green peppers).  Cleaned the laundromat and then stopped at Menard's for a dimmer light switch and new shower head for our bathroom (old one although a great rainfall head, used WAY TOO MUCH hot water and we always seemed to be running out), bought some Twizzlers and headed over to the Marcus South Shore for 'The King's Speech'.  I went grocery shopping while Don installed the light switch and shower head.

Neither of us felt like doing anything great for dinner, so although I had marinated a couple of chicken breasts, we each ate some cereal for dinner instead.

All this means that I didn't exercise a bit this weekend, unless walking a horse around a cold barn for 20 minutes counts.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 4 - Part I

Weight:  154.4
Hair :   Unruly
Mood:  Sunny

Bill IS my new best friend!  I won't know for sure whether to really trust this as new weight or if it's my real weight on a new scale until I've used him for a couple of days, but so far so good!  Also, did the Total Gym workout this morning.  Don says I should run the program twice before moving up a level so I'll try that on Saturday.

Had LF yogurt, some almonds and a cup of coffee for breakfast.  Went to lunch w/ Don, Heidi and Mark at the Sunrise, where they serve breakfast all day.  I had a western skillet w/out the green peppers and left most of the potatoes, also had one piece of wheat toast w/ mixed fruit jelly.

I'm not sure what we'll be doing tonight.  Hopefully celebrating Derek passing his Series 6 exam, and maybe dinner at Mama DiMarini's.  They have the BEST pizza.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3 - Part II

Made a turkey sandwich on toast for dinner before heading out to New Berlin West High School for the Middle School's production of 'Our Town', Trevor Whittow had the role of George and did a great job!

Stopped for gas and a cup of coffee on my way as I ALWAYS seem to fall asleep during the first act of any production - Broadway, local theater, high school productions - doesn't matter.  Coffee worked this time and I was alert for all three acts!

Had two Girl Scout cookies and a bit of milk before turning in for the night.  Exercise tomorrow...

Day 3 - Part I

Weight:  156 lbs.
Hair: Dull
Mood: Chipper

Yogurt on-the-go for breakfast this morning.  Had to run to the cemetary to pick up Don's check and then off to Dynamics (late start this morning!).  Did have one cup of coffee w/ a bit of French Vanilla cream in it.

Ran to bank, post office and McDonalds for lunch (Southwest salad w/ Ranch Dressing-no fat free available). 

Also stopped at Target quick to get new scale.  This one is digital, no more guesing on where the tiny line REALLY is.  It also has a memory function so it can record my progress.  Will be interesting to see how it works.  I am going to employ my sister Barbara's 'Name and Tame' theory with the new scale so our relationship won't be so adversarial.  The scale's name is Bill.  Bill will become my new best friend...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 2 - Part II

Okay, so I did crumble a bit this afternoon.  Had another bite-size Special Dark and a chocolate chip cookie when I got back to Savaglia Investments & Planning.

Ran up to Ruhana's for the yarn I needed to make a felted basket and then came home and worked on Edgy scarf until Don came to pick me up for Trivia at Pepi's in Racine.

Only had one cranberry & Vodka, a few french fries and a grilled chicken club sandwich (that I didn't finish although it was good!).

We (Jake, Julie and their neighbor Terry) did eek out a win at Trivia (Jake was the only to answer the final question correctly - Crosby Stills & Nash were the Best New Artist Grammy award winning group of 1969), so we'll be back to use up our $40 gift card.

11pm so off to bed...

Day 2 - Part I

Actually got up and exercised this morning, after packing a snack for Alex and letting the dogs out.  Did 1/2 hr routine on the Total Gym while watching a bit of 'Grey's Anatomy'.

I had two L.F. yogurts for breakfast and made a turkey sandwich on whole wheat for lunch.  Also threw some almonds in a baggie for a snack this afternoon.  Ate one Hershey's Special Dark bite-size candy bar when I got to Dynamics of Function, but all in all feel pretty good about how the day started.

The scale was a bit daunting this morning but I did take the plunge and my weight is 156 lbs.  Not sure if I'm brave enough to put pictures up yet, but I suppose I will at some point just to note progress.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 1 - Part II

Had a handful of almonds when I got home w/ Alex this afternoon.  Temperature was over 40 so I took the dogs for a 1/2 hr walk.  We skipped the park and did the shorter return route.  They got pretty wet splashing through all the puddles, but seemed pretty happy to be outside.

Dinner was all beef kielbasa cooked in apple jelly and a little maple syrup, white rice, and mixed vegetables.  Had a cup of coffee  because I was tired and wanted to make it through the STM basketball game and just finished 2 Girl Scout cookies (can't go too crazy w/ a diet or I'll never succeed!).

Abs are a bit sore from pilates last night, but will work out tomorrow.

Not a bad start, will step on the scale tomorrow morning to see how I'm doing and set my current weight.

Day 1

So, here goes...I've got 40 lbs to lose and it's 28 weeks to my birthday and 40 weeks to gaining it all back at Christmas time.  I'm going to track my exercise and everything I put in my mouth (well nearly everything!) as well as anything else going on in my life.  I can't guarantee stimulating reading, but I hope that by making myself do this I will actually lose this weight once and for all!

I got close to my goal weight in 2004, but then got engaged and married and I now firmly believe that old saying 'fat and happy' as I've continued to gain weight rather than lose it these past six years, but no more - I'm turning the corner today, yippee!

Food so far today:
  • Western Omelet (no green pepper) - but I didn't finish it!
  • One piece of toast w/ jelly
  • Strawberry protein shake