Fat & Skinny lyin' in a bed, Fat rolled over and Skinny was dead.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 22

Weight:  154.0
Hair:      Blond!
Mood:     Sunny

Well, I am happy to report that 5 days in Arizona didn't affect me weight negatively, but I evidently didn't do as much walking as I thought, because I certainly didn't lose any weight either!

Don and I had a great time w/ friends Jake and Julie.  We went to two Brewers games (one on St Pats - drank green beer on their lovely green lawn seats), took a tour of Taliesin West, strolled around Old Scottsdale, walked the golf course at night (learned to beware of sprinklers!), got lost lots but found some great restaurants because of it.  

Have to give a shout out to Discount Tire and about a million mattress stores (there's a lot of both of them in Scottsdale!).  No desserts, not too many drinks and light breakfasts did the trick.

We came home Sunday night after delays in Denver due to big storms here in Milwaukee.  I was afraid of what I'd find at home.  Petey is so scared of thunderstorms I could only imagine what he was going through.  It was good to read the note from Paula (her family watched the dogs) saying she'd been over at 9:15p to check on them because she knew Petey would be scared - love her!

Monday morning, walking the dogs around our non-snow covered yard, I noticed spring flower shoots working their way out through the wood chips and counted 11 tulips along the side of the house - yay! Took the dogs for their first Spring walk after work. 

Nick brought Morgan home for dinner, we had tacos and I made guacamole for the first time.  Morgan and I talked about prom, what she's wearing, what Nick should wear, etc.  Don spent most of Monday night out with Jack.  He got some good pointers from other owners and is working hard at being a great owner.

A little laundry and a little DVR TV and off to bed.  Not a bad start to the week.

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