Fat & Skinny lyin' in a bed, Fat rolled over and Skinny was dead.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 30

Weight:  153.6 (WTF)
Hair:      Straight
Mood:    Surly

Come on, I went to Pilates and Water Zumba, and I'm up 0.6 pds from yesterday.  Bill seems to blow with the wind.  Well he sure blows.  Legs and ab sore from two days of workouts.  Water Zumba was better this week, the instructor got in the water this time and it was much easier to follow, definitely a better workout.

Little worried about Petey and Oscar yesterday.  They didn't bounce back from their visit to the Vet like Ditto did.  Their legs were sore where they had gotten their shots and they were lethargic.  Both of them had to be carried up and down the stairs, and in and out of the house.  A call to the Vet told us this was a normal reaction to a lot of vaccine for little dogs and they should be better by today.  They did seem perkier this morning.

Managed to make a dent in my new knitting project last night too.  I'm working on a felted basket and I'm so happy that it looks like the picture so far!  Hope to finish by this weekend so I can start another one!

1 comment:

  1. Excited to read about new Zumba and knitting project! keep it up! you can do it! glad to hear pets are better.
