Fat & Skinny lyin' in a bed, Fat rolled over and Skinny was dead.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 7 - Part I

Weight:  153 lbs!
Hair:      Manageable
Mood:    Sunny

I was totally excited when Bill told me I'd lost 1.4 lbs since meeting him!  Not sure how I managed to do it over this past weekend tho'.  

Missed breakfast on Saturday because Don and I had to race out to Wind Dancer for Herd Health Day.  Jack was getting the works done, but we didn't think we'd be there too long.  Unfortunately, the sedative they gave Jack REALLY knocked him out. Don had to leave for a 9a.m. client mtg, so I stood in the cold barn with a glassy-eyed horse for two hours!  Although donuts and coffee were provided I passed.

When I finally got the okay to put Jack back in his pasture, I only had 1/2 hr left of the Dynamics of Function Open House that I was suppose to attend.  Ran to the office and changed out of muddy jeans and boots.  Had three delicious yogurt parfaits, a cup of coffee (after the first one dripped all down the front of my shirt!) and a Mimosa after all the guests had left.

Went home a dozed/watched TV until we had to leave for dinner w/ clients/friends.  I had salad and chicken breast w/ prosciutto and goat cheese and risotto - wonderful!  Also had one glass of wine.  Only had one drink after that at Club Durham when we went to see Jake's band 'Southern Tradition'.

Sunday, we went had a late breakfast after church at the Sunrise (another Western skillet w/out green peppers).  Cleaned the laundromat and then stopped at Menard's for a dimmer light switch and new shower head for our bathroom (old one although a great rainfall head, used WAY TOO MUCH hot water and we always seemed to be running out), bought some Twizzlers and headed over to the Marcus South Shore for 'The King's Speech'.  I went grocery shopping while Don installed the light switch and shower head.

Neither of us felt like doing anything great for dinner, so although I had marinated a couple of chicken breasts, we each ate some cereal for dinner instead.

All this means that I didn't exercise a bit this weekend, unless walking a horse around a cold barn for 20 minutes counts.

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